Ronald A. Weist

Network Engineer Candidate

 Network Experience   Hardware Experience   Software Experience   Resume Home   Network Diagrams   Scopes of Work   Internal Proposals 

Customer Scopes of Work

 Intrusion Detection System   Packeteer Packetshaper   Network Sniffer 
 Dial Backup Scope   Line Upgrade   Site-to-site PIX VPN Scope 

Site-to-Site PIX VPN Solution

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June 18, 2004

 Lumber Company

PIX Installation

 Scope Of Work




I.                    Set up Firewall for Marin Site

II.                  Set Firewall at Marin Site

III.                Set up Firewall for Napolean site

IV.               Set Firewall at Napolean site





I.                    Set up Firewall for Marin site

a.      Set VPN for home users

b.     Site-to-site VPN preparation for Napolean site

c.      Set VPN for SCO support guy

II.                  Set Firewall at Marin Site

a.      Use new Internet circuit

b.     Pass public IP address through to the firewall

c.      Give the firewall the previous gateway address

d.     Leave the firewall off of the LAN for now

e.      Test the connectivity for remote administration and local Internet connectivity

f.        It will be fully used when all end users are aware of IP changes and firewall with VPN from Napolean is up

III.                Set up Firewall for Napolean site

a.      Set with site-to-site VPN to Marin site

IV.               Set Firewall at Napolean site

a.      Take down current firewall in DSL Router

b.     Pass public IP addresses through to the firewall

c.      Give the firewall the previous gateway address

d.     Set the firewall on the Ethernet port of the router

e.      Test the connectivity for remote administration and local Internet connectivity



1.      Configuration Information


Customer must provide the necessary network addressing and protocol information prior to equipment configuration.


Customer must provide the necessary information required for any software configuration and needed network resources for local and remote users.


Customer is responsible for scheduling DSL circuit turn-up with the circuit provider. However, we can act as liaison with the circuit provider at Customer request.


2.      Environmental Factors


Customer is responsible for providing a sufficient space in the Computer Room for the installation of the new equipment.


Customer is responsible for providing a sufficient number of power outlets to run the equipment. These outlets should be isolated from an electrical circuit that may create electronic interference with data communications equipment.


Customer is also responsible for providing the appropriate operating environment for these products as described by the manufacturer of the equipment.




1.      Hours Of Work

All work to be done within normal business hours (Monday to Friday, 8:00am to 5:00pm). Projects requiring labor outside of these hours will be charged at a premium overtime rate.



This Scope of Work has been agreed to and accepted by:




                                                                                       (Customer Signature)


                                                                                       (Print here)




                                                                                       (Engineer Signature)


                                                                                       (Print here)